Friday, May 7, 2010

Rapper Rhymefest to visit Cabrini Connections

I am pleased to announce that one of my favorite hip hop artists, Che "Rhymefest" Smith, a native of Chicago's south side, will visit next week's Wednesday night tutoring session. And he's not just coming to speak for a few minutes; he will run a full, classroom-style workshop! He will facilitate a language arts activity, a freewriting exercise, and a discussion about goals and dreams, and he will top it all off with a freestyle! I can't wait!

All of our students are big fans of hip hop, and this activity should be a good way to capture their attention in entertaining fashion, but, also, to make them think about life choices and their futures. I admire Rhymefest's willingness to participate in community forums with youth. He is a great example of an industry figure - in this case, music - using his or her talents to support and promote quality tutoring and mentoring programs. If figures from every major industry can think of ways to match their financial and social capital with programs like Cabrini Connections, future generations (the young people we serve now) will all be better off.

Video & Filmmakers Club and I will film the event, so look forward to a full recap next week.

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